Aruba - one happy island

Aruba - one happy island

After a week in the freezing cold in New York, it was time for a change.

One of my dear friends moved to Aruba last year, on a working visum for a one-year adventure. This calls for a visit, don't you think?

The airport in Oranjestad makes you instantly feel the Caribbean vibe. You know in the movies, when they're filming in Hawaii, you have those hoola girls dancing on tropical jingles? Well, imagine that, but without the hoola girls.

Already, on my way to the airport exit, I was pealing the layers of clothes off my body: hot hot hot ! [but you will never ever hear me complain about too hot]

Palm trees, coconuts, white sand beaches, Caribbean blue water, cocktails, happy faces, sunsets, bikinis, no stress what-so-ever...this is LIFE.

The first 2 days I was in some kind of trance, I couldn't get over it. It was as if it wasn't real, The last 4 days I was in another state of trance, but a more melancholic and sad one, because I didn't want to leave. The book I was reading at the time "One Day" had lots to do about me being so emotional. If you haven't already, read it! It's a good book to take with you on vacation.

In between my emotional states, I had a wonderful time! Picnics on the beach, jeep discovery of the North rocky coast, the Natural Pool, the Goldmine Ruins, Dr. Coco making us fresh coconut cocktails, Baby beach, sailing on a catamaran, snorkeling, parties on the pier, on the beach, hitchhiking, climbing coconut trees, skinny dipping and so much more...

The name "one happy island" is certainly not an exaggeration!


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